2023 marked the 10th anniversary of the company and we chose New Year's Eve to organise The Good Year, our big birthday party. The celebration took place under the big top at Le Palc, Pôle National Cirque in Châlons-en-Champagne (51).
What was The Good Year all about ?
What could be better than getting together and summoning The Good Year (TGY) for an eternal countdown that will take you to the other side, where everything is still possible. First of all, take a sip of champagne and let yourself be surprised by The Good Band, formed especially for this evening...
Then you'll need to make yourself comfortable, because the big Good Year ceremony is about to begin. The countdown is on... So hang on tight and enjoy this "present soon to be past". To invoke the big Good Year, each of our active members won't hesitate to surprise you and hang themselves by the hair, the jaw, put on their roller skates, pedal on all fours, fly over infinity until they burst into flames. Throughout this celebration, The Good Tombola will be giving you the chance to take part in an intimate and disconcerting experience that will make you the newest member of TGY. Finally, with the arrival of the new year, our huge Goodj-Set should be ready to thrill you like never before! Because life is a permanent party, we need you to make it last forever!
On stage: Noémie Armbruster, Gines B Gabarrón, Simon Bruyninckx, Elvis Buczkowski, Marta Camuffi, Camille Chatelain, Marine Fourteau, Théo Godefroid, Fragan Gehlker, Angèle Guilbaud, Luke Horley, Liza Lapert, Laura Terrancle and Marcel Vidal Castells.
Technical team: Alexis Auffray, Thomas Bares, Dadou, Marius Ollagnier and Alix Veillon.
Not to mention the superb team of volunteers who played a big part in the success of this endless and magical night.
Carte Blanche organised by La Scène Nationale 61 in a farm in Orne.
What better than a party at the farm to celebrate the company’s fifth anniversary.
Miss Dolly, impromptus and the beginnings of THE GOOD PLACE, Le Peep Show des Marcels took part in this surprise party.
Noémie Armbruste
Marine Fourteau
Théo Godefroid
Angèle Guilbaud
Liza Lapert
Marcel Vidal Castells
General technical director
Baptise Lechuga
Marius Ollagnier


Drunk and with their eyes full of glitter they jump into space. Nothing. The celebration continues.
Marine Fourteau
Angèle Guilbaud
Liza Lapert
Marcel Vidal Castells